The Story of an Hour

Warm up

  • What examples of gender inequality, do you see in the everyday?



Today we will read The Story of an Hour (1894). It is written by Kate Chopin who is famous for her stories about gender and the repression of women in society.


Part 2

What is irony

Verbal irony

is a statement in which the meaning that a speaker employs is sharply different from the meaning that is actually expressed. The ironic statement usually involves the explicit expression of one attitude or evaluation, but with indications in the overall situation that the speaker intends a very different, and often opposite, attitude or evaluation.

Situational irony, is irony in a broader sense means that something opposite to what was expected happened.

Examples of irony in this broader sense, in the everyday deal with the opposite of the expected happening in the real world.

  • Example: A person who claims to be a vegan and avoids meat but will eat a slice of pepperoni pizza because they are hungry. It may not make sense, but it is an illustration of irony.
  • Example: A man who is a traffic cop gets his license suspended for unpaid parking tickets.
  • Example: An ambulance driver goes to a nightime bike accident scene and runs over the accident victim because the victim has crawled to the center of the road with their bike.

Cosmic irony

This type of irony can be attributed to some sort of misfortune. Usually cosmic irony is the end result of fate or chance.

  • Example: Gambling.  If you are playing blackjack chances are you will be up (making money) for awhile, and then just when you thought things were going well, you lose it all.
  • Example: The Titanic was promoted as being 100% unsinkable; but, in 1912 the ship sank on its maiden voyage.
  • Example: At a ceremony celebrating the rehabilitation of seals after the Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska, at an average cost of $80,000 per seal, two seals were released back into the wild only to be eaten within a minute by a killer whale.

Cosmic irony feeds on the notion that people cannot see the effects of their actions, and sometimes the outcome of a person’s actions may be out of their control.

Dramatic irony occurs when there is miscommunication in a book, play or film and the audience is smarter than the characters.

  • Example: As an audience member, you realize that if a character walks into an abandoned warehouse, chances are a killer is waiting… but because you are a member of the audience you cannot disclose the information to the character.
  • Example: In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare Romeo finds Juliet in a drugged state and he thinks she is dead. He kills himself. When Juliet wakes up she finds Romeo dead and kills herself.
  • Example: In Macbeth by William Shakespeare Macbeth appears to be loyal to Duncan but he is planning Duncan’s murder. Duncan doesn’t know Macbeth’s plans but the audience knows what is going to happen.

Alanis Morisette – Ironic

Use the worksheet and do the analysis in the worksheet. Alanis_ironic (Worksheet) Is the song truly ironic? What kind of irony is there in the song? Why?

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