How to talk…

How to Talk to Girls at Parties

Read How to Talk to Girls at Parties by Neil Gaiman.

How to Talk to English People at Parties

Quiz 1 – Interjections

  1. Oi! – Hello!
  2. *gasp* – Sense of surprise or shock.
  3. Ta-ta! – Good bye!
  4. Tut-tut – Sound of disapproval, disappointment.
  5. Nah – Not really.
  6. Ta – Thank you!
  7. Uh-huh – That’s correct!
  8. Eh? – Right? Isn’t it?
  9. Um… – Hesitation.
  10. Huh? – Right?/Yeah?/Sorry?

Quiz 2 – Everyday(?) Vocabulary

  1. Petrichor – the way it smells outside after rain
  2. Aglet – the plastic coating on a shoe lace
  3. Glabella – the space between your eyebrows
  4. Punt – the bottom of a wine bottle
  5. Zarf – the cardboard sleeve on a coffee cup
  6. Defenestrate – to throw someone or something out a window
  7. Tittle – the dot over a lowercase i or j
  8. Aphthong – silent letters in a word
  9. Tmesis – when you separate a word into two, and intervene with another word, for effect, for example – abso-freaking-lutely
  10. Contrail – the vapour trails behind a plane

// Jonatan


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