Reading journal


While reading this novel you are going to write a ’reading journal’. This means that you from time to time while reading should take notes about your reading experience. You should have approximately 5-10 journal entries in your reading journal. The journal entries can be about:

• QUESTIONS that you ask yourself about characters and events as you read.

• MEMORIES from your own experience, provoked by the reading.

• GUESSES about how you think the story will develop, and why.

• REFLECTIONS on striking moments and ideas in the book.

• COMPARISONS between how you behave and how the characters in the novel are behaving.

• THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS about characters and events.

• COMMENTS on how the story is being told – for example, words or phrases or even whole passages which make an impression on you …


• LANGUAGE PROBLEMS and ways of solving them

Text seminar

We will have two text seminars. One for the first third and one for the second third of the book.

For this seminar you are expected to choose three quotations from the book (at least): You write them down on a flashcard, in an easy to read handwriting. The quotation is followed by an interpretation and/or a justification for the excerpt. When making quotations please take note of the page where the quotation appears.

Date for seminar 1 on Monday, 2nd of November

Date for seminar 2 Wednesday 4th of November

Deadline for reading journal, Wednesday, 18th of November

An example of a Reading journal for a type A or B grade on English course 6. reading-journal-example of grade

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